When you make a purchase from my website, the only information I will collect from you is that which is essential to fulfil your order or to reply to any queries you have raised. This includes:
  1. Your name
  2. Your postal address
  3. Your email address

I do not need any other information from you, and I will never ask you to supply any other information.

None of your information is ever shared with any third party. None of your information is used for any purpose other than sending your order to you. I do not carry out sales mailshots or other customer contact activities.

My preferred method of payment is via PayPal, which means that I do not see your bank details.

If you submit a query via my online contact form, all of the above applies. In that instance, the only personal information I need from you is a valid email address to which I can reply.

If you have any queries regarding the use and collection of your personal data, please get in touch and I'll be happy to help.